Heal from the Emotional Pain of Abortion
Not sure if you need healing? Have you experienced:
If abortion is part of your story and you are suffering from an internal ache and sadness you can’t name, you’ve come to the right place.
If you don’t feel like anyone will understand the conflict you feel between relief and regret over having chosen abortion, we understand because we’ve been there too.
If you are dealing with feelings of guilt or shame, we get that.
Maybe you had an abortion last week, maybe you had one 20 years ago. Maybe you’re a Christian, maybe you’re not. Either way, your pain and questions are real, and you are worthy of healing.
Our after-abortion care and services connect women and men impacted by abortion with individual ministries, pregnancy centers, and churches that provide healing resources.
Many people are aware of the physical effects an abortion can cause, but few people are told about the emotional effects that can occur. By engaging in post-abortion care, both women and men can get support and understanding for their healing and find a path to recovery.
Everyone processes their abortion experience differently. You are not alone.
- If you are having thoughts of self-harm or are considering suicide, please contact the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
- If you would like to read about the abortion experiences of others, check out AbortionChangesYou.com.
I remember that first night when I sat down at a table with a handful of women I’d never met. Without having to confess, my secret was already out, because we all had the same secret. Walking alongside these women gave me the freedom to open my heart and to stop hiding.
– Angela
I went through Forgiven and Set Free. I had been through a lot of healing when I did it, but I still had areas of my life that it touched. Because I was able to dive deeper it brought more healing into my life.
– Teresa
Even though I had three children and had seen prenatal books and material before, something happened the night of the Relief and Denial lesson. That night, it all became real and I faced the reality of what had happened 29 years prior. That night was the beginning of my healing journey.
– Cindy
It’s one thing to be forgiven, it’s another to be healed. We can be forgiven and still carry the wounds and the baggage. There is more that needs to happen after the forgiveness. For guys, that can be hard, but it’s necessary.
– Walter
The book is a lasting legacy to any reader that you can not only survive abortion, but reclaim your role as a father to the precious child you lost.
– Jim
Going through a healing study allowed me to publicly grieve my child. God showed me it was ok to grieve that loss.
– Doug
The freedom came when I looked at where I was at fault: that’s when the healing came.
– Scott
Healing from the pain of abortion is a journey. Whether you had an abortion last week, or 40 years ago, we're here to help.
Care Net
44180 Riverside Parkway
Suite 200
Lansdowne, VA 20176